PHOTO ALBUMJohn's Picnic
4th & 5th November 2000
This years Picnic was the biggest ever! There were a number of new rods on their debut, but probably most pleasing was the number of older rods, some not seen for years in attendance. Continuing John's luck with the weather it was overcast, but with plenty of patches of sunshine. Some areas of grass were still soft from the recent record breaking rains, but there was only one area roped off. And believe me John needed all the room he could get as there were cars packed in everywhere with a new area being opened up complete with sealed road. There were lots of rods making use of the crusin track, this being an ideal way to see many of the cars on display. All the changes and improvements worked well. Not without some headaches, John had to relocate the show and shine in the Main Street of Berwick after one complaint from a very narrow minded trader. Fortunately a large grassed area opposite the Berwick Hotel was made available and proved to be an ideal location for the smaller number of rods on the Saturday. The dance on the Saturday night was small but still a great night. It was on the Sunday that all the rods converged on the Pakenham Racecourse to be part of one of the biggest gathering of rods and customs in Victoria. This year our business Hot Rod Internet, donated a trophy for the Picnic. The hardest part was what to call it, seeing as we deal in the internet or the virtual world I thought a good title would be for the best "Real Hot Rod". It sort of works on several levels. Well I obtained a trophy from Skid Marks in Coffs Harbour and Dave and I went around looking at all the cars for a worthy winner. Check out what we picked on the Real Rod page. Depending on finances we'd like to do this a couple of more times, maybe the Victorian Hot Rod Show and the 2 Bay Rod Run. Don't forget to check out John's own pages at Intro page 1 page 2 page 3 page 4 page 5 |